Membership Application-Automatic Creation of Login Account from Members

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Setup the Application : Automatic Creation of Login Account from Membership Application

Automatic Creation of Login Account from Membership Application
When the online membership application is completed a login to the Member Information Center (MIC) is created in order to accept the credit card payment and/or to provide immediate gratification of entry into the MIC if settings allow access. Here is the logic behind what type of login account is created based on what fields are completed on the application.
Member Login
A single member login is created using the Company Email Address or the Company Name when the Company Email is not present. The login is generated with a six-digit random password. When the Company Name is used as the login, a check was performed to determine if a username already existed by that name. If the username exists an underscore and integer value are appended to the end of the Company Name and this new username is checked again. The integer value is increased until the username is unique in the database. The member login is only created if a primary or billing representative is not created.
Primary Representative Login
Representative login accounts are conditionally created. An attempt is made to create the login using the username/password provided by the user in the Representative section of the form if those fields are available.
Case: Username/Password Supplied by User
If the username is for an existing login, then the supplied password is verified against the existing account. If it does not match, the user is presented with a validation error asking them to choose another username or provide the correct password. If the user supplies the correct password, a new login account is created for the username/password. By default, the “Allow {Rep Name} to login to this Member Information Center” value for this user is set to false, which sets the login to disabled unless Auto-Approve Application is enabled, in which case the login will be set to true.
Case: No Username/Password Specified
In the event that the user does not specify a password or the form does not display a username/password, but a representative first/last name are available, then the First Name and Last Name are concatenated with the dash character (‘-‘) to be used as the username and a random six-digit password is generated. The new username/password is then verified to ensure that it is unique. If for some reason the username is already in user (e.g.: Sara-Johnson), then no login is created for the representative. By default, the “Allow {Rep Name} to login to this Member Information Center” value for this user is set to false, which sets the login to disabled unless Auto-Approve Application is enabled, in which case the value will be set to true.
Billing Representative Login
Representative login accounts are conditionally created. The login is created using the username/password provided by the user in the Billing section of the Member Application form. No account is created when the values are missing. By default, the “Allow {Rep Name} to login to this Member Information Center” value for this user is set to false, which sets the login to disabled unless Auto-Approve Application is enabled, in which case the value will be set to true.